Recherche littéraire / Literary Research

About the journal

As the annual publication of the International Comparative Literature Association (ICLA), the bilingual journal Recherche littéraire / Literary Research is an Open Access journal published by Peter Lang. Its mission is to inform comparative literature scholars worldwide of recent contributions to the field. To that end, it publishes reviews of noteworthy books on comparative topics as well as review essays discussing recent research developments in particular sub-fields of the discipline. As of its 2023 issue, RL/LR will publish unsolicited research essays, which will be submitted to a double-blind peer review. Research by early-career comparative literature scholars will be particularly welcome.

To propose book reviews and review essays, and for inquiries about back copies, please contact the Editor.

Inquiries and submissions:
Marc Maufort, Editor, RL/LR
ISSN: 0849–0570

Submission Guidelines

Current Volume

Volume 39 (2023)

Download volume 39 (open access) or purchase a hard copy of this issue from our publisher, Peter Lang.

Previous Volumes

Volume 38 (2022)Download .pdf File of Volume 38

Hard copies of this issue can be purchased from the website of the

publisher, Peter Lang

Volume 37 (2021)Download .pdf File of Volume 37

Hard copies of this issue can be purchased from the website of the publisher, Peter Lang

RL/LR frontcover Volume 36 (2020)Download .pdf File of Volume 36

Hard copies of this issue can be purchased from the website of the publisher, Peter Lang

Volume 35 (2019)Download .pdf File of Volume 35

Hard copies of this issue can be purchased from the publisher, Peter Lang

Volume 34 (2018)Download .pdf File of Volume 34

Print-on demand hard copies of this volume can be purchased from Amazon

Volume 33 (2017)Download .pdf File of Volume 33

Print-on demand hard copies of this volume can be purchased from Amazon

Volume 32 (2016)Download .pdf File of Volume 32

Print-on demand hard copies of this volume can be purchased from Amazon

Volume 31 (2015)Download .pdf File of Volume 31
Volume 30 (2014)Download .pdf File of Volume 30
Volume 29 (2013)Download .pdf File of Volume 29
Volume 28 (2012)Download .pdf File of Volume 28
Volume 27 (2011)Download .pdf File of Volume 27
Volume 26 (2010)Download .pdf File of Volume 26
Volume 25 (2009)Download .pdf File of Volume 25
Volume 24 (2008)Download .pdf File of Volume 24
Volume 23 (Winter 2006)Download .pdf File of Volume 23