Publication : ‘New Imagined Communities’

Le comité de recherche sur l’Europe de l’est et l’Europe du sud-est vient de publier le volume ‘New Imagined Communities’: Identity Making in Eastern and South-Eastern Europe, rédigé par Libuša Vajdová et Róbert Gáfrik. Le volume contient les actes du congrès international The ‘New Imagined Communities’: Identity Build-Up in Eastern and South-Eastern Europe organisé par Ústav svetovej literatúry Slovenskej akadémie vied (Institute of World Literature of Slovak Academy of Science), Bratislava, et le comité de recherche sur l’Europe de l’est et l’Europe du sud-est de l’AILC, le 14 – 15 mai 2009 à Bratislava, Slovaquie.

A propos de ce volume:

    (notice publicitaire du livre, en anglais seulement)

    « The present volume brings together a broad range of analyses focused on the process of identity-making in Central, Eastern and South-Eastern Europe. Identity is defined primarily in sociocultural and literary terms, but a number of articles also emphasise the political implications of the changing definitions of East-European identity in the current globalised world. The work follows in the footsteps of the project sponsored by the ICLA, entitled History of The Literary Cultures of East-Central Europe: Junctures and Disjunctures in the 19th and 20th Centuries (Benjamins 2004-2010). This partial continuity is an advantage for the discussion undertaken in this volume, which can build on earlier analyses, taking them in new directions.

    With all the articles written or translated into English, this volume is addressed to a broad international audience. The project will interest both the specialist and, to some extent at least, the general reader, facilitating a new understanding of the cultural ethos of East-Central Europe today. One of the common interests of the contributors to this volume is to offer a fresh view of the region’s literatures traditionally conceived within the boundaries of national histories. The authors make a successful effort to build and justify theoretically and practically a cross-cultural regional history. Their essays place cultural phenomenona in a broad sociocultural and political context, analysing issues of identity, politics of ethnicity, and cross-cultural interaction. The book fills and important gap in the treatment of East-Central literature and comparative study. »

Information de publication:

    Publié par Kalligram et Ústav svetovej literatúry, SAV
    Bratislava 2010
    ISBN: 978-80-8101-401-7