Research Committee on Comics Studies and Graphic Narrative
Formally established in 2015 but active since the 2004 ICLA Congress in Hong Kong, the Research Committee on Comics Studies and Graphic Narrative seeks to advance the study of the medium of comics in the field of comparative literature. The committee aims to facilitate opportunities for discussion, to present research in joint sessions at the AILC/ICLA congresses and other major meetings, to encourage and enable the publication of the results in journals and anthologies, and to support young and emerging scholars in the field. For more information, please see the documents below.
For more information on the Research Committee on Comics Studies and Graphic Narrative, click below to download:
Introduction and (pre-)History of the Research Committee on Comic Studies and Graphic Narrative
Stefan Buchenberger (Kanagawa University)
Tracy Lassiter (University of New-Mexico Gallup)
Angelo Piepoli (Independent Scholar)
Umberto Rossi (Sapienza University of Rome)
New members can join by presenting a paper at any of the panels/workshops organised by the Committee at the ICLA congresses or at panels at other comparative literature conferences (such as ACLA or ESCL events).
To download the yearly reports of the Committee to the ICLA, click below:
Comic Studies and Graphic Narrative Cttee Report 2019-21
Comic Studies and Graphic Narrative Cttee Report 2018-19
Comic Studies and Graphic Narrative Cttee Report 2017-18
Comic Studies and Graphic Narrative Cttee Report 2016-17
Comic Studies and Graphic Narrative Cttee Report 2015-16