2022 Elections: Information
The election is now closed; Results here.
The Executive Council of the AILC-ICLA is elected at the time of each Congress; its term lasts until the following Congress (thus normally 3 years).
From 2022, elections will be held online.
The President, 4 Vice Presidents, 2 Secretaries, 3 Treasurers and 16 members of the Executive Council will be elected (with two more members of the Executive Council selected from the list of non-elected candidates, as described in article IV of the Statutes).
The procedures for the nomination of candidates are described on the page Elections of officers and members of the Executive Council.
The full list of candidates and their short biographies can be found at 2022 Election: Candidates and biographies.
The ballot paper will also invite members to vote on a proposed amendment to the Statutes.
The Election Process
The online elections will open on 7 July 2022 at 00:01 Paris time and continue until 27 July 2022 at 23.59 Paris time.
In order to vote, members must have been members of the AILC-ICLA for at least 2 weeks before the opening of the elections (by 23 June 2022). Ensure your membership is up to date to be able to take part in the elections.
When the elections open, members will be sent by email a unique link to the ballot paper.
Voters can only vote once.
To help us manage the elections effectively, especially for this first time that they are held online, the AILC-ICLA will be supported by Digimentors.
To ensure the integrity and security of the elections, they will be conducted via Election Buddy. Emails announcing the elections and the ballot paper will be sent from the address: invitations [at] mail.electionbuddy.com. We advise you to make a note of this address and save it among your safe senders list.
All data will be handled in accordance with GDPR standards of data protection.
Key dates:
- An email with a unique link to the ballot paper will be sent when the election opens, on 7 July.
- Elections will close at 23.59 on 27 July (Paris time).
The result of the ballot will be announced at the General Assembly on 28 July 2022, and online.