Year: 2020
The deadline for submissions for the Princeton University/ICLA Early-Career Conference, Global Publishing and the Making of Literary Worlds: Translation, Media and Mobility, has been extended further, to 15 February 2021. This free virtual conference is scheduled for June 4-6, 2021. It will offer panels on a range of topics in global literature, keynotes by authors, critics, […]
Gerald Gillespie remembers Steven Sondrup, former President of the ICLA Colleagues visiting the ever convivial Steven Sondrup – if he were not away on a guest stint or at a congress – would find him either busy at Brigham Young University in Provo or at home further to the north in old Salt Lake […]
Please note that the deadline for submissions has been extended for the Princeton University/ICLA early career conference, Global Publishing and the Making of Literary Worlds: Translation, Media and Mobility. This is a free online conference scheduled for June 4-6, 2021 ( . Please spread the word to graduate students and colleagues around the world. Along with […]
The November 2020 Newsletter of the AILC-ICLA has been sent to our affiliated National Associations, with a request to disseminate to their members. It is also published on our Recent Newsletters page
The Executive Council meeting planned for summer 2020 had to be rescheduled to January 2021 due to the Covid-19 pandemic. However, some more urgent business was discussed via email. In particular, the following decisions were taken: To continue funding the open access publication of the Association’s journal, Recherche Littéraire / Literary Research; To extend the funding […]
With apologies to our readers: the publication of the Newsletter has been postponed from 1 to 15 September 2020 – a side-effect of the impact of Covid-19 on holiday plans….
The Early-Career conference “Global Publishing and the Making of Literary Worlds: Translation, Media, and Mobility” will take place online on 4-6 June 2021. Organised by Princeton University’s Fung Global Fellows Program, the International Comparative Literature Association, and Princeton University Press, the conference joins theoretical issues addressed by scholars and editors with practical workshops in global […]
César Domínguez Prieto remembers Professor Mario J. Valdés. “La enseñanza es mi pasión. Todo lo que he publicado ha salido de las aulas, todo” “there is no survival as meaningful as the re-created word” (Mario J. Valdés) Professor emeritus Mario J. Valdés, a world authority in Miguel de Unamuno, literary hermeneutics, and comparative […]
The July 2020 Newsletter of the AILC-ICLA has been sent to our affiliated National Associations, with a request to disseminate to their members. AILC-ICLA NEWSLETTER July-juillet 2020 We continue to work on a system that will enable us to deliver the newsletters directly to individual members and plan to start a trial in the next weeks.
The May 2020 Newsletter of the AILC-ICLA has been sent to our affiliated National Associations, with a request to disseminate to their members. AILC-ICLA NEWSLETTER May-mai 2020 We continue to work on a system that will enable us to deliver the newsletters directly to individual members (this is not easy as membership of the AILC-ICLA is for the largest […]